Under guidance by artist/designer Helina Guleria, you are able to participate in a serie of workshops (8 lessons) at vintage store the “Snuffelmug” based in Heemstede. A brief introduction will be given at the start of the workshop about Helina’s projects and how participants are able to paint their own creative idea’s on wooden furniture by using provided materials.

Helina Guleria works under the name Design Studio Guleria as a freelance artist and designer. Her work is known for fun, quirky and colourful prints. Nature and it’s well-being are highly considered. There are several projects where old objects are upcycled to new.

First series of workshops will start 5th of November 2021. Sign up is open now! Be quick and reserve a spot by sending Helina a message through our contact form or through email at info@designstudioguleria.com

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Practical information

LocationHeemstede, North-Netherlands
AgeAbove 16y
LevelBeginner & Advanced
LanguageDutch & English
Price395,00 euro per participant
Term of payment; 7 days before start workshop
DaysFriday afternoon (2pm to 4.30pm)
Time2 1/2 hours
IncludedPaint materials
The participant chooses a piece of furniture from a pre-selected range offered by Snuffelmug Heemstede
At the end of the workshop the participant will receive a set of paint markers to take home
ExcludedBasic color furniture